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The Ultimate Cure for the High-Holiday Synagogue Blues
A life-saver in the synagogue! Guides you page by page through the High Holiday prayer book for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, and includes tons of English transliterations. Indicates what prayers are found on each page, their meaning, and the proper action required at each point. Also includes over 50 key prayer transliterations, and many inspirational readings and stories in the spirit of the holidays.
• Helps everyone one to pray and sing along.
• Know what’s going on throughout the services.
• Explains the meaning and history of each prayer.
• Perfect for individuals, beginner congregations, membership/ticket packets, and for pre-holiday study.
- Easy-to-read explanations and clear instructions.
- Covers all key prayers from both Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur services.
- Clear easy-to-read English transliterations throughout.
- Introduction to the High-Holidays.
- Overview of prayer.
- Small and compact size to fit alongside your prayerbook.
•Atoh V’chartonu•Ayn Kaylo-kaynu
•Greeting for Rosh Hashanah
•Hashem, Hashem
•Ha-yom Haras Olom
•Ha-yom T’am’tzaynu
•Hodo Al Eretz
•Ho-Ochayz B’yad
•Imru Lay-lokim
•K’ohel Ha-nimtach
•Kayl Adon, Kesser
•Ki Hinay
•Kol Nidrei Prayer
•L’dovid Mizmor
•L’kayl Oraych Din
•L’shonoh Habo-oh
•L’cho Dodi
•Mizmor L’Dovid
•Modim D’rabbonon
•Mogayn Ovos
•Mourner’s Kaddish
•Nakdishoch (Short)
•Ovinu Malkaynu
•P’sach Lonu Sha-ar
•Sh’ma Ko-laynu
•Sha-aray Armon
•Shema (For the Torah Reading)
•Shir Ha-ma-alos
•Shofar Service
•Tashlich Prayer
•The Three Verses of Faith
•Uch’sov, Un’saneh Tokef
•Uv’sayfer Cha-yim
•Uv’sayfer Cha-yim (Neilah)
•V’al Kulom
•V’zos Ha-toroh
•Va-y’hi Bin’soah
•The entire Yizkor Service.
Don’t read Hebrew yet? Do you struggle to follow along at the High-Holiday services? Don’t worry. This book is for you!
The High-Holiday Synagogue Companion includes a complete overview of the services of both Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur. It guides you page-by-page through the High-Holiday prayer book for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, indicating what prayers are found on each page, their background and meaning, and the proper action required at each point. It also includes more than 50 key prayers with linear English translations and many inspirational readings and stories to help you draw out the true spirit of the Holiday.
This book will help you comprehend the services at a higher level, and enable you to read or sing along with ease, bringing the full High-Holiday synagogue experience to life. Great as a companion to the High-Holiday prayer book, or as a study aid in preparing for the holiday services, bring home a copy for each of your family members and friends!
About the Author
Rabbi Zalman Goldstein has written ten books, including the bestselling "Shabbat Table Companion" and "Going Kosher In 30 Days!." His ability to blend sensibility and passion along with an authentic Jewish education has helped thousands live more Jewishly every day.